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Modular Student Dormitories


Project Partners: Hamilton College

Building Use: Modular Dormitories

Time: 30 days

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Mobile Modular Created Temporary Dorm Space During COVID-19 Pandemic


Hamilton College needed “temporary” dorm space to space out the students during the coronavirus outbreak. They bought these buildings with the intent to relocate them or sell them in the future.

The Challenge

They needed dormitory space for approximately 72 students and needed to have a commune space with a kitchenette and laundry facilities.

The Solution

Modular Mobile utilized a design agreement and came up with a great floor plan that included PTAC units for climate-controlled rooms and gender-neutral ADA restrooms that we could have built/delivered/installed in time for the start of school. We finished this job in time for the start of school and the students are able to go back to a safer environment.

Why Call Mobile Modular

By utilizing modular construction and leveraging the experience of the Mobile Modular project team, our client was able to maintain their leadership position and continue their mission to be a global frontrunner in their industry.

If you have any questions about modular building specifications, installation, turnaround time, size specifications, damage cover, insurance, contractual obligations, or adherence to building codes, browse through our comprehensive FAQs section or call us at 866-473-2495.

Our expertise, attention to detail, and end-to-end service is the reason why we continually rank high in customer satisfaction. We understand deadlines and work closely with you to deliver the unit you want on time and budget. Get your project started with Mobile Modular today!



Customer Name: Hamilton College

Project Location

Project Location: Hamilton, NY

Building Type

Building Type(s): Modular Dormitories


Module Count: 13 Modules, 12'x42' Each


Days to Complete: 30 Days

*Click on the image to see the full-size view!

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